How to lower churn on your LLM app

How to lower churn on your LLM app
LLM phospho TAK churn

Learn how Phospho’s clustering tool helped reduce churn and boost engagement for TAK, our AI search engine. Discover user data insights for impact.

A few months ago, we launched TAK, an AI-powered search engine using Mistral AI, inspired by Perplexity AI. What started as a fun experiment turned into something much bigger.

Our app quickly brought in users, far more than we had imagined.

But the real game-changer came from analyzing user behavior and addressing churn.

Product launch on may the 14th / Number of users
Product launch on may the 14th / Number of users

We introduced TAK on may the 14th.

Clustering Revealed Key User Interests

After launch, we used Phospho’s clustering tool to analyze user queries. We anticipated a variety of topics, but one theme stood out—science and math-related questions.

  • Phospho categorized queries into subjects like "Science" and "Politics"
  • Science queries significantly outnumbered other topics
Design sans titre (5).png
Graph: Science vs Politics queries

User Feedback Highlighted Critical Issues

User feedback was crucial. While many appreciated the app, there was a clear problem—math rendering was subpar. Complex equations were hard to read and engage with.

Feedback Overview:

  • Positive: Seamless search experience
  • Negative: Cluttered math equations
Feedback from our users

LaTeX Rendering Solved the Problem

To address the issue, we introduced LaTeX rendering. This upgrade allowed users to view clean, well-formatted mathematical equations, enhancing readability and user experience.

Introduction of LaTeX rendering on the 1st of September
Introduction of LaTeX rendering on the 1st of September

Soon after launching the new version, users came back, stronger than ever. As user satisfaction increased, so did retention.

Retention increases as the product improves
Retention increases as the product improves

Impact of LaTeX Rendering:

  • Significant boost in retention rates, about 25%
  • 5x increase in usage (largely impacted by marketing)

Unlock Insights with Phospho

Phospho’s clustering tool transformed our approach to user data. It revealed valuable insights into user behavior and helped us make data-driven improvements.

Phospho helps you:

  • Analyze user interactions
  • Discover trends and patterns
  • Enhance app performance

Explore Phospho’s capabilities today!

Data-Driven Decisions Fuel Growth

Our success with TAK was driven by listening to user feedback and acting on data insights. By leveraging Phospho’s clustering tool and improving math rendering, we achieved remarkable growth.

Want to enhance your app’s performance? Dive into your data with Phospho and turn insights into actionable strategies.

Start uncovering your data today with Phospho