Phospho News - Product Update #6

Phospho News - Product Update #6
phospho team giving a talk in Paris

Back to Paris with new people and new features!

Hello everyone! 👋🧪

We're Paul, Pierre, Nicolas and Frédéric!

💥 phospho is still accelerating this week. Here is an overview of what we shipped last week.

Annotate directly from the main tab

Accelerate your labeling. You can now directly add events and modify evaluations from the Tasks/Sessions tab.

Try this new way to quickly review your LLM app messages here.

Magic event suggestion in sessions tab

phospho is now suggesting you events for detection directly in the session tab.

Empower your data exploration and monitoring with this new magic button here.

Advanced historical navigation and date filtering

Last week, we introduced a super streamlined way to push historical data to Phospho.

Now, navigating this data has never been so easy. Not only can you access the most recent tasks on the platform, but also your entire history.

Filter your sessions and tasks by date to quickly find what you are looking for.

Leverage directly this new feature on the platform.

SSO authentication

Long awaited feature from our Corporate clients. Use your own authentication provider to connect on phospho.

To get more information on this feature, book a call with us.

What's next ?

We'll keep improving how you can leverage phospho directly from our API.

Feedbacks? Feature requests? Ideas? Send us an email or join our discord.

Paul-Louis from phospho

Send with 💚🧪 from Paris